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Bald beginnt die Veranstaltungssaison 2023 und die Vorbereitungen auf den Sommer laufen bereits. In unserem Onlineshop finden Sie neben Erdankern und praktischem Zubehör nun auch Eurostretchtents, sowie entsprechende Ersatzteile. Die Stretchzelte sind auf Events wie Hochzeiten oder Firmenfeiern ein absoluter Hingucker und lassen sich schnell auf- und wieder abbauen. Sie schützen vor leichtem Regen, spenden Schatten und sind in verschiedenen Ausführungen erhältlich. Auf Wunsch können sie in diversen Größen und Farben hergestellt werden. Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne für ein unverbindliches Angebot Zum Befestigen im Boden werden Erdnägel benötigt, welche Sie ebenfalls bei uns im Onlineshop in verschiedensten Ausführungen finden. Falls...

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We can still be found in Dormund at the International Tent Fair until November 10th, 2022. In addition to tent manufacturers, tent rental companies and software companies, a number of accessories for the tent industry are offered. There are furniture suppliers, heating and air conditioning, stages as well as lighting and security technology. Of course we can't be missing in the tent industry. With our small but fine stand we present almost all our products to touch and examine. Considering that it is the first fair of this kind, the fair is well attended. If you still want to visit...

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Each of you has probably held a hammer in your hand - whether you want to hang up a picture or drive a nail into a board. Sledgehammers, on the other hand, have been made for other functional areas. Due to its significantly longer handle and the larger lever, as well as the heavy head, pegs, for example, can be driven into the ground with comparatively little force. In the construction industry, sledgehammers are also used for small demolition jobs. In the trade, these hammers are mainly used in blacksmith shops. A motor hammer is often used for larger projects...

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Have you already discovered the "tip" option during the payment process in our online shop? Today we will clarify the question of where this money goes. We have been supporting Doctors Without Borders for many years and you can now easily make a contribution using the “Tip” function. The donation is passed on in full to Doctors Without Borders eV and we round up the amount at the end of the year. Doctors Without Borders is a private aid organization that provides emergency medical aid in crisis and war zones. The organization operates various medical aid projects in more than...

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Auszeihdolle, Ausziehdolle, Erdankerzieher, Gabelstaplerhaken zum Erdnägel ziehen, Haken zum Erdankerziehen, Nagelzieher -

Now finally also in stable: The pull-out oarlock in extra stable for 25mm ground anchors and ground pegs with the head 050. In addition to the sizes of 30, 35 and 40mm, there is now also a suitable pull-out bell for 25mm ground pegs, which are usually used in festival and party tents be used. The M12 thread is stable enough to get enough traction on the tent nail with a forklift. As with all pull-out bells of the durable version, the ring nut can be easily replaced if damaged.

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